Insights from the XBundle Team

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XBundle Case Study: Solving problems

October 26, 2022

In the middle of 2021, a silver circle law firm reached out to XBundle with a very complex construction matter involving a series of defects in the original construction of a complex facility under a PFI contract.

Straight away, the XBundle team realised the firm had some significant challenges to overcome before they could even begin to build a winning strategy.

  1. The DATA and TIME problem

Even by modern standards the size of the data set and associated materials that needed to be reviewed by the litigation team was enormous. As with many construction matters, the parties were keen to proceed as quickly as possible to determine the defects so they could be fixed.

Our Litigation Support team set up a meeting with the client to decide the best strategy and tech platform to adopt that would give immediate access, reduce the time to review and allow for collaboration in reviewing many hundreds of thousands of documents as quickly as possible as well as being able to work with complex technical plans and a wide range of other formats including video, sms, pictures, excel, ppt, word and pdf.

The joint project team decided to use Everlaw; they felt it was the strongest fit for the matter. The XBundle Litigation Support team were able to set up instant on demand access so work could begin on the data set almost immediately. Once all the documents and data had been ingested into the platform; XBundle’s team were able to set up predictive coding that grouped relevant documents into easily managed segments. This allowed the Litigation team to work in a very efficient way identifying key information and data early on in the process.

  • The BUNDLING problem

As the case took shape, it was clear that the bundle would be extensive but also involve a multitude of different file types. A potential hurdle was the production of plans that would need to vector to allow zooming in and out whilst retaining perfect clarity.

Having been involved from an early stage, XBundle’s Litigation Support team were able to begin work on the bundle documents early. The team were able to produce an immaculate core and ancillary bundles that catered for the complexity of the case.

Counsel sent the Litigation Support team an email after the trial had taken place commenting “Thank you all so much for your help preparing for and assisting with the hearing. The bundles were immaculate – there was not a single example of documents not being where they should, confusion over references, bundles not working or displaying properly etc.”

  • The PRESENTATION problem

Having the electronic bundle meant trial presentation was relativity straight forward with the XBundle team providing a page turner to ensure all parties were on the same page.

When it came to the presentation of the more complex evidence and the expert testimonies which required the display of a 3D video walk-through of the building; the XBundle Litigation Support team were able to ensure the necessary tech was in place to allow the expert to use this key piece of evidence in a free-flowing way.

Before the hearing took place, the team completed extensive testing to ensure that both electronic bundles and video presentations were delivered seamlessly during the proceedings. The Judge from the TCC was very complimentary of the methods employed by the XBundle team and commented that she had never been part of such a smooth trial process utilising technology.

If you want to find out more about how XBundle can help you, please contact the XBundle team on 0207 871 3125 or email