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A reflection on our ISO27001 certification!

August 31, 2023

A reflection on our recent ISO7001 certification.


As a small company, we have been questioned on our decision to attain the ISO27001 certification. For those who are not aware of this certification, ISO27001 is an internationally recognised standard for managing information security.

To successfully gain the ISO27001 certification, businesses need to demonstrate that it has identified and analysed potential security risks to confidential and personal data. You also need to demonstrate compliance with international regulations as well as ensuring that any potential risks are mitigated.

Undoubtedly, attaining the ISO27001 amounts to significant work. However, we recognised that there’s increasingly sophisticated cyber-attacks and high-profile data leaks. We also appreciate the need to reassure our clients that we follow the best practice when it comes to managing information security.  As a result, we decided that maintaining the ISO27001 certification would be a huge benefit for us as a company as well as our clients.  A decision that we certainly don’t regret!


What are the benefits of ISO27001 certification?


        • Protect business reputation.
        • Develop trust and credibility with our clients.
        • Improve the culture of security in our business.
        • Review and improve the strength of our security measures.
        • Reassuring our clients that their data is safe.
        • Compliance with international legal regulations and high standards

What are the disadvantages of ISO7001? 


        • Gaining ISO27001 certification is a lengthy process.
        • Any businesses will have to invest significant amounts of resources into the certification.
        • Can be an expensive process.
        • Audits can be lengthy (depending on the size of your business).

Feedback from our Director

We are pleased to announce that we achieved our ISO27001 certification again this year and our director, Mark Agombar, had this to say about the experience:


“I am extremely proud of the XBundle team who have throughout the year committed themselves to implementing and maintaining the ISO27001 processes and regulations across all of our business areas. ISO27001 is an extremely important standard to achieve and maintain as it demonstrates to our clients the seriousness which we apply to information security and managing their data. ”


ISO XBundle