Insights from the XBundle Team

Comprehensive Guidelines and Best Practices for Producing Court-Compliant Bundles
Requirements and best practice for producing bundles General guidance on bundles No hard copy bundles should be filed...

Choosing the Right Tool for Legal Bundles: A Comparison of XBundle Create and Tungsten
Introduction and Summary XBundle has been producing electronic bundles for legal proceedings for over 15 years and is...

ISO27001 Success!
XBundle Achieves ISO 27001 Re-Certification for the Third Consecutive Year We are excited to share that XBundle has...

Exploring ILTA Protocol: A Comprehensive Guide to Dealing with Family Arrangements in e-Disclosure
Introduction Whole families, broken families, standalone parents, orphan children, grandparent-grandchild...

How can XBundle help you?
XBundle – Who we are and what we do? XBundle is a lawyer led team of in house litigation support experts, with decades...

Conceptual Mapping in eDiscovery: Mastering workflows with Document Clustering
Conceptual Mapping in eDisclosure: Mastering workflows with Document Clustering During any eDisclosure process,...

Unlocking XBundle::Create – Exploring Electronic Bundle Creation Queries
Unlocking XBunde::Create Exploring Electronic Bundle Creation Queries Step into the future of legal...

Should you Outsource your Electronic Bundles?
Why Outsource Your Electronic Bundle Creation? Creating electronic bundles can be a time-consuming and intricate task,...

The newest edition of the Judicial Review Guide is now available!
The 2023 Judicial Review Guide states important information regarding electronic bundles and how they...

Case Analysis – How did XBundle assist in a claim that exceeded 40 million?
Case Analysis – How did XBundle assist in a claim that exceeded 40 million? Data Collection In March...
Technical Services
Our Technical team has many years at the forefront of design, development and deployment of legal technology solutions. Whatever your goals we may already have the answer and if not, we will be happy to listen and offer a solution.